solo post - L, Canon / Nikon
Do you remember in 1970 tightrope walker, Karl Wallenda, walking across the 1000 ft deep Tallulah Gorge performing two headstands in midair as he crossed? This is where I went on Saturday. Why we chose one of the hottest days of the year to make this hike I'm not quite sure. Going down the 345 steps to the suspension (swinging) bridge wasn't so bad. From here I could see the raging Hurricane Falls - a fall that has a 96 ft drop. But we wanted to get a closer view so we descended another 200 odd steps to the floor of the gorge only to find that we needed a permit to cross the river and continue downstream to the Bridal Veil Falls where you can slide down rocks into pools of water. Jumping from rock to rock to cross the river looked inviting and fun but I wasn't sure I wanted to pay a steep fine for breaking the rules. Still is was a beautiful site. After some picture taking and video footage we climbed back up – made it thanks to the cooling rain and many breathers along the way. BTW, my legs are pretty sore today. What sort of activity filled your weekend?