T - phone pic selfies
You'd think by looking at these photos that all they do is laze about, but it's not true. (well it's true for the cats). But not T. In fact one of the reasons I have been so slack about posting these last few weeks is because T has been working on my computer much of the time. She has a freelance job designing CD covers and I have to say I am very impressed with her work. When she's not working at the computer she's working very hard outside doing landscape work with her father or helping my dad out in his yard by cutting the grass, edging, etc. She's a very diligent worker – but she also knows how to relax - and that's a good thing too. right?
Hope your summer is filled with many relaxing, lazy days.
cats will surely teach us how ...sweet images of rest...super news of the CD covers...
very relaxing photos. And Yes! knowing how to relax is very important. Can't learn that too soon.
lovely shots and It looks like she needs time to relax, after all she's a very good worker, you must be so pround!!!
i love when the kids are home and they lie on the couch. that is what the couches are for. work is a good thing too though.
yes, it is good to curl up with a cat - they will teach you the zen of napping
this is like what I did today - curl up with Doogie!!
Relaxing is so much sweeter when it follows hard work! Love these images!
This capture a cat's relaxation mode so well ...
Just came here for the first time. I think through Relyn's blogroll. T must be very talented - CD covers sounds like fun. The kitties are cute, especially the new one - Bunny.
Sweet captures! Yes, it is so good to relax. A creative mind needs it!
I love the perspective on these, just enough to give a hint of the person but to show the action and the kitties. Wonderful! Thanks for your comment on my blog.
i love these....and i love lazy summers too :)
I love these images of T relaxing. I love the softness you've added and the pretty couch, too. And, I am so excited for Taylor about her newest job. Can't wait to hear more.
congratulations to Taylor! and cats are excellent role models - i just wish they could teach me to purr. LOL! these are such wonderful images and reminded me of friends i know who don't own a couch, just chairs, and i admit that i just don't get that. :)
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