solo post - L, Nikon
Sorry for the blurry photos - poor lighting and trying to shoot quick.
Well Taylor's kitty has awakened from her timid beginnings - she's a little rascal and quite funny to watch. And I'm glad to say she and Kodi are getting along just fine. They sleep along- side each other by day and chase each other by night. But last night that crazy cat jumped on the counter and up on top of the refrigerator and down behind it - trapped until I finally found, with Kodi's help, where the distressed call was coming from. I had to move the refrigerator out away from the wall, in order to set her free. I hate to think what would have happened if she had done this when I was away. / We have another little trouble maker about. Imagine this cute little bunny rabbit being so naughty. He's eating the daisies down to the ground.
does anyone have a trick for keeping cats off counters and bunnies out of the flower garden?
Probably a sense of humor helps the most ... they look so innocent!
Hopefully Bunny won't end up behind the refrigerator again! I don't have any ideas on keeping cats off and bunnies away.
oh poor baby kitty. so glad you were there. waterguns and cans with rocks are the only tricks i know for the kitty.
and bunnies...no, i don't know any - sorry.
that kitty is active, and it plays with you dog or your cat. I think you have another cat don't you, but I'm not sure about a dog! Anyway I have a cat and two dogs, a busy house! One day my cat and dog had a fight I'm not sure what happened, but I know they don't play together anymore!!!
good luck!!!
i think laughing is all you can do....
all of our deer are eating the raspberries off the bushes in the side yard....any tricks for that since all we're doing is laughing.....
these are sweet pix :)
Cats will be cat, and kittens kittens, and rabbits are definitely rabbits, and what's a gal to do? Kitties hopefully learn (I once found one inside the refrigerator, sneaking in while I had the door open and my back turned) and rabbits? No words at all. He is eating the daisies? :) I shouldn;t smile but the idea of his belly full of flowers just makes me smile.
:) Debi
so so cute, both of them ... margie had a cat once, not the brightest star, who fell in the toilet, he couldn't get out and spent a bit of time standing on his hind legs until he was saved!
Squirting the kitty will help, and lining the top of the fridge with tinfoil. As to bunnies, you might as well give in and just enjoy their cuteness. Turn the loss of daisies into a lot of great photos.
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