Monday, February 25, 2013

highlighted / in the light

L - iphone / T - iphone

I needed a change. I got my hair highlighted. I see that on top of my head there are spots that stand out far more than the others - sort of like the little birch tree that Taylor took a photo of this weekend while hiking. / pretty hike on a pretty day at deep well trailhead

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Light is beautiful ... in all its many forms.

I love how you two work together.


The photos on the left are taken by me, Leslye, the mother. The photos on the right are taken by my daughter, Taylor – unless otherwise noted. Comments are always welcome. thanks
If you care to visit, I, Leslye, have another blog - AutumnSun where I ramble around different paths and pleasures of my own.